General object hashing library for C++
Using BPHash

Table of Contents

Types of Hashes

BPHash has a few different types of hashes. See the documentation of bphash::HashType for the different types.

Basic Hashing

The easiest way to obtain the hash of an object would be to use the make_hash() function.

using namespace bphash;
int main(void)
int i = 1921;;
double f = 1.234;

A bphash::HashValue object can be converted to its string representation with the hash_to_string() function.

std::string hv1_str = hash_to_string(hv1);
std::cout << "Hash as a string: " << hv1_str << "\n";

Hashes can also be truncated or converted to a C++ integral type. Truncating to a size that is greater than the current hash size results in a hash that is padded with zero.

HashValue hv1_trunc = truncate_hash(hv1, 8); // truncate to 8 bytes
size_t hv_int = convert_hash<size_t>(hv1_trunc); // or convert to a size_t
size_t hv_int2 = convert_hash<size_t>(hv1); // will truncate and then convert
HashValue hv2_trunc = truncate_hash(hv2, 24); // "truncate" to 24 bytes (will pad with zero)

Using a Hasher Object

If needed, a bphash::Hasher object could be used instead of the make_hash() convenience function. This function uses the same format as when passing data to the make_hash() function (ie, some pointers must be wrapped etc. See later sections).

#include <iostream>
using namespace bphash;
int main(void)
int i = 10;
float f = 1.982;
h(i, f);
HashValue hv = h.finalize();
// equivalent to
HashValue hv2 = h2.finalize();
// equivalent to
return 0;

Enumeration Support

Enumerations are supported as well

#include <iostream>
using namespace bphash;
enum MyEnum
enum class MyEnumClass
int main(void)
MyEnum me1 = MyEnum::Value1;
MyEnumClass mec1 = MyEnumClass::Value1;
return 0;

STL Support

BPHash supports STL containers. To support hashing of a container, include the appropriate header from bphash/types (which mirrors the include file from the STL).

#include <iostream>
#include <bphash/types/memory.hpp> // unique_ptr
#include <bphash/types/vector.hpp> // vector
#include <bphash/types/utility.hpp> // pair
using namespace bphash;
int main(void)
std::vector<double> dvec{1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0};
std::unique_ptr<std::pair<int, int>> pair_ptr(new std::pair<int, int>{10, 999});
HashValue hv = make_hash(HashType::Hash128, dvec, pair_ptr);
pair_ptr->first = 11;
hv = make_hash(HashType::Hash128, dvec, pair_ptr);

Arrays and Pointers

Arrays and pointers can be hashed also. If the pointer points to only one element, it can simply be hashed as-is. If it points to multiple elements, or is an array type (ie, int[]) it must be wrapped in a helper structure via the hash_pointer() function.

C-style strings are hashed as strings, with the length determined via strlen.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace bphash;
int main(void)
const char * s = "This is a cstring";
const char * s2 = "This is a cstring";
const int i_arr[] = {0, 1, 2, 4};
int i = 123;
int * i_ptr = &i;
// This is ok - will assume length of one
// Generally equivalent to the above, although hashes will
// not be identical
// Won't work - need pointer wrapper
//hv = make_hash(HashType::Hash128, i_arr);
// pointers to non-fundamental types are ok too
std::vector<double> v_arr[] = { {1.0, 2.0, 3.0}, {4.0, 5.0, 6.0, 7.1} };

Hashing Custom Classes

BPHash can be extended to custom classes as well. This can be done via a class member function or via a free function.

Intrusive Hash Function

A hash function can be added to the class to make it hashable. The signature is void hash(bphash::Hasher & h) const. It must be a const function. Note that The bphash::Hasher function is declared in the bphash/Hasher_fwd.hpp header file so that is all that is needed to declare this function. The full bphash/Hasher.hpp header is needed when defining the function.

// Header file Classes.hpp
class Class1
Class1(long i, double d);
void hash(bphash::Hasher & h) const;
long i;
double d;
// Source file
#include <iostream>
#include "Classes.hpp"
using namespace bphash;
Class1::Class1(long i, double d)
: i(i), d(d) { }
void Class1::hash(Hasher & h) const
h(d, i);
int main(void)
Class1 c(10, 3.1415);
std::cout << "Hash: " << hash_to_string(hv) << "\n";

The hash function can be made private if desired. If so, you must use the BPHASH_DECLARE_HASHING_FRIENDS macro inside the class.

class Class2
Class2(long i, double d);
long i;
double d;
void hash(bphash::Hasher & h) const;

Using a Free Function

A free function with the form void hash_object(const ObjectType &, bphash::Hasher &) can also be used instead of the member functions.

// Header file Classes.hpp
class Class3
Class3(long i, double d);
long get_i(void) const { return i; }
double get_d(void) const { return d; }
long i;
double d;
// Source file
#include <iostream>
#include "Classes.hpp"
void hash_object(const Class3 & cls, Hasher & h)
h(cls.get_i(), cls.get_d());
int main(void)
Class3 c3(28, 9.8765);
HashValue hv3 = make_hash(HashType::Hash128, c3);
std::cout << "Hash: " << hash_to_string(hv3) << "\n";
return 0;

Inheritence Considerations

It's up to you how to handle inheritence (in particular, how to handle hashing through a base class via virtual functions). One idea would be to have each class have its own hashing function similar to the hash() member function but with a different name (say, hash_()). Then each class is responsible for hashing its own data and then calling the custom hash_() function of its base class. Then, either the original hash() function could call a virtual hash_() function, or the hash() function itself is virtual and calls the hash_() function of its own class, starting the chain.

Compile Time Checking

Hashing ability can be detected at compile time with the bphash::is_hashable trait class.

int main(void)
std::cout << bphash::is_hashable<int>::value << "\n";
std::cout << bphash::is_hashable<const int *>::value << "\n";
// not hashable on its own - would need a pointer wrapper
std::cout << bphash::is_hashable<const double []>::value << "\n";
// will only be hashable if bphash/types/utility.hpp is included!
std::cout << bphash::is_hashable<std::pair<long, float>>::value << "\n";

Using as a std::hash replacement

BPHash includes an equivalent of std::hash for use in some containers. This is included in the bphash/StdHash.hpp header.

#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
using namespace bphash;
int main(void)
typedef std::pair<int, int> KeyType;
std::unordered_set<KeyType, bphash::StdHash<KeyType>> myset;
std::unordered_map<KeyType, std::string, bphash::StdHash<KeyType>> mymap;
mymap[{7,8}] = "This is a string";
return 0;